I am a self taught artist now living in a small village in Cambridgeshire. Married with fully grown twin daugters and twin rescue cats, I specialise in oils and watercolours but experiment with other media too.

My path to becoming an artist has been unconventional. Born in Windsor in the 1970s, I spent all my spare time drawing and reading. I left school at 16 and went straight to work to support myself. Following the birth of my children, I spent my evenings studying for an arts degree with the Open University and have been travelling the world ever since to search out the works which inspired me along the way. I added an extra year to my arts degree to train as a teacher where my passion for the arts shone through. As Arts Coordinator, I led our Primary School to Arts Mark Gold and supported other schools in developing their curriculum to raise standards by teaching through the arts. Now my children are fully grown, I have left teaching and decided to turn my life long passion into a full term pursuit.

The works you can see here are inspired by my surroundings and places I visit. I have created my own style in the watercolour buildings I paint for pleasure and commissions. My abstract works are an evolving style as I develop as an artist.

I have had many awe inspiring moments in galleries. Most notably Boticelli's Birth of Venus in the Uffizi Gallery, Florence, Van Gogh's self portraits in his Museum in Amsterdam and Casper David Friedrich's Winter Landscape in The national Gallery of London. Most recently on a visit to New York's Whitney Museum, I was blown away with Jennifer Packer's A Lesson in Longing. Every visit inspires me to pick up my brushes and try new ideas.